R2-TD has been fun and gets a lot of looks at events but few things gets attention more than R2-D2. There use to be 2 R2-D2's is town, but one moved away so to fill the void at events I've decided to start building another one. Shortly before Star Wars Celebration CVI, The group at Midwest Robots decided to do a frame run of R2's. Clay offered up the use of his CNC machine so I jumped at the chance to be included. The CNC made precise cuts and was much easier to work with than when I did Td's frame by hand. After we finished cutting and started assembling, We found in the first few there was an error in some measurements. Turnes out the plans we off in a few spots and some adjustments needed to be made. Being off just a tad in a few spots would require a little sanding and a few simple tweaks. Last week gathered all the parts to dry fit my frame. Last night we finished making the final adjustments and cuts. Next week I will start gluing it all together. Here are some photos from the build so far.

Clay trims the main frame support.
The CNC machine continues to cut in the background.
Things are fitting together well
We mark the pieces so we can find the exact center to have have a well balanced droid.
Everything is lining up and centered nicely.
Next week we should be able to start gluing.
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